The big idea is "messaging".^ Alan Kay
y = 10
x = y + 9
y = 11 // you can't do it in math!
No man ever steps in the same river twice.^ Heraclitus
2.418884326505(16)×10^17 s
|------| Book -------- |-Val1-| \ |------| \ \ \ |------| \ |-Val2-| |------|
Why immutability could be a good thing?
Garbage collection / Memory management
r r / \ \ o x ----> x / \ / \ \ o o o n we can use the left side as isdon't copy, use old data, they won't change
All functional languages are side-effect free? no.
Erlang, scala, clojure, F#, ...
// data
var x = 10;
// code
function foo() { ... }
remember the "turing machine"?
// so, let's pass them around like other values
var list = [5, 10, 1];
list.sort(function(a, b){
return a - b;
}); // [1, 5, 10]
always return the same result where called with the same arguments.
(defn plusOne [a] (+ a 1))
(plusOne 2) #_ always returns 3, no matter what!
every language with HOF is functional? no.
js, ruby, smalltalk, (even!) java
let's get a bit more into depth
performance of mutable vs immutable
adding one million items to a Vector:
immutable: ~127ms
mutable: ~89ms
immutable: ~114ms
mutable: ~74ms
This is crazy, C should go faster, well yes it does but it had a lock. Erlang was slower but lock-free and thus scaleable. So removing the C and doing image processing in Erlang was faster than doing it in C.^ Joe Armstrong
read more:
functional programming patterns in scala and clojure
there's no mutable state, so there's no for / while / foreach / ...
factorial(0) -> 1;
factorial(N) -> N * factorial(N-1).
01: 20 * factorial(19) 02: 19 * factorial(18) 03: 18 * factorial(17) ... ... ... 19: 2 * factorial(1) 20: 1 * factorial(0)
factorial(N) -> tail_fac(N, 1).
tail_fac(0,Acc) -> Acc;
tail_fac(N,Acc) -> tail_fac(N-1, N*Acc).
01: 20, 1 01: 19, 20 01: 18, 380 ... 01: 0, 2432902008176640000
you need to be careful, you might lose your stack trace!
(not in erlang)
x: A
f: A -> A
g: A -> A
f(g(x)) = f.g(x) = h(x)
h: A -> A
^ group theory
now if argument types differ, we're in category theory but we already know that in order to call a function, argument type has to match.
collections of any kind: in-memory, streams (IO), databases
cat ~/foo.txt | sed 's/bar baz/qux/g' | grep 'qux' | wc -l
Option (is a monad) / \ None Some
// row will be a Map (assoc array in php)
val row = SQLSelectOneRow("select title from posts where id = 10")
// check if we could find the row
if ( row ) {
return row.get("title")
} else {
return None
// let's assume row is wrapped in Option
val row = SQLSelectOneRow("select title from posts where id = 10")
row map ( _.get("title") )
case class Person(val firstName:String, val lastName:String, val age:Int)
val behrooz = Person("Behrooz", "Shabani", 24)
val martin = Person("Martin", "Odersky", 55)
def fullNameOfPersonIfUnder30(p:Person) = p match {
case Person(fName, lName, age) if age < 30 => Some(fName + " " + lName)
case _ => None
// Option[String] = Some(Behrooz Shabani)
// Option[String] = None
read more:
pattern matching is an awesome solution for "expression problem"
Beginning Scala by David Pollak (Chapter 8)
are not really connected to FP but as languages we talked about have actors*, I'll talk about them too.
* agents in case of clojure are not exactly actor
run() ->
spawn(counter, counter, [0]).
counter(Sum) ->
print ->
io:fwrite("Value is ~w~n", [Sum]),
{value, Sender} ->
Sender ! Sum,
{inc, Amount} ->
stop ->
io:fwrite("Stopping ...")
CounterActor = counter:run().
% prints: Value is 0
CounterActor ! print.
% increase it by 3
CounterActor ! {inc, 3}.
% prints: Value is 3
CounterActor ! print.
CounterActor ! {value, self()}.
TheReceivedValue ->
io:frwite("double of Value is ~w~n", [TheReceivedValue*2])
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smalltalk http://joearms.github.io/ by Joe Armstrong http://pragprog.com/book/mbfpp/functional-programming-patterns-in-scala-and-clojure by Michael Bevilacqua-Linn http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Are-We-There-Yet-Rich-Hickey by Rick Hickey http://www.infoq.com/presentations/functional-pros-cons by Gilad Bracha http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/Brian-Beckman-Dont-fear-the-Monads by Brian Beckman Coursera Scala by Martin Odersky
^ twitter (@everplays)
R.I.P. Alan Turing.